
We do not know the original title of the novel now generally called The Tale of Genji. Documents such as manuscripts and commentaries from the mid-Heian period used a number of titles. Those titles fall into two categories:

1. Titles with Genji

The Tale of Genji, The Tale of Hikaru Genji, The Tale of Shining Genji, Hikaru Genji, Genji, and Prince Genji

2. Titles with Murasaki

The Tale of Murasaki, Murasaki no Yukari and The Tale of Murasaki no Yukari

Three famous literary works, The Diary of Lady Murasaki, The Sarashina Diary and Mizukagami, which were written in the Middle Ages, refer to The Tale of Genji. That is why people believe that The Tale of Genji was the most commonly used title of the narrative. Contemporary readers use the same title, and most people in Japan know at least the title even if they do not know the story in detail.

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